Christina Williams
Board of Education
"Creative Solutions & Strategic Vision: Preparing Students to be Successful in Today's Environment."​
Wife & Mother of 4 with 16 years of vested interest in the district's success
Coventry Board of Education 2019-present
Staunch advocate of parental rights
Father was career Air Force- "I was brought up with military values, and military respect."
20 years of Program Management and Engineering experience
Will combat the slow erosion of parental rights, district accountability, and student safety
"Parents know best. We cannot remove families from the educational equation."
Will continue to listen to the Community, volunteer in the schools, and innovate to problem solve.
"Together, We Can Find Reasonable Solutions."​
Mom of 2, Wife, & proactive parent
Serving second term on Board of Education
Served 2 terms on Coventry Zoning Board of Appeals (one as alternate and one as Chair)
Assistant Coach for CHS Crew Club / Coventry Lake Community Rowing
International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (2017) and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (2021)
"We will restore faith back into our community- by being unafraid to ask the tough questions and tackle uncomfortable topics."

Courtney Rossignol
Board of Education

Joe Cleary
Board of Education
​"For Too Long, Coventry's Family
and Taxpayer Voices Have Been Ignored and Disregarded. It's Time to Change that Narrative."
Dad of 3 & Husband
Successful Business Owner
Coach for 15 years K-12
Founded 'Christmas Surprise' in Coventry
Served 2 terms as the HEEC PTO President
15 years of successful business & budget development